The subject of one stage of development is the object of the next.
– Dr. Robert Kegan
The Kegan quote came to mind while I was recreating this website as it captures the evolutionary nature of individuals.
I’ve changed a lot since I first launched my consulting business 24 years ago. In the first phase of my consulting life, I mostly wrote about the “increasingly interconnected single global economy” for the global banks.
Fast forward to 2024: I’ve been teaching yoga therapeutics and meditation for years and now offer two distinct but complementary sets of services–Meditation (including mindfulness and yoga practices) and Strategic Communications.
The mindset of organizations has also changed radically in response to the transparency of the digital age, the climate crisis, deepening inequality, political polarization, growing anxiety and depression, especially among our youth, and the expectation that companies “do good.”
My intention as a consultant is to support the most deserving leaders and institutions for the greater good of all.
The purpose of this site is to create the foundation for a conversation on how we might work together to support the flourishing of your organization–either through excellence in strategic communications, or through practices that enable your team to realize their potential.
In 2024 I see enormous potential for co-creating programs that have a positive social impact. For example, there is an opportunity for the big banks to use their powerful global proprietary networks in the service of global wellbeing, and for educational institutions to address the youth mental health crisis.
I am available to co-create programs with you neither of us could create–or could create as well—on our own.
About the photos and videos in this site: I live in New York City, just steps from Riverside Park. The paths, bridges, and planes shown here remind me we are, individually and collectively, on transformative journeys.
We are not the same after we have embraced a meditation practice; we’re a more whole version of ourselves. Similarly, our organizations–and perhaps the world–are not the same after we have executed an effective global communication program.
I would love to hear about your challenges and opportunities in this moment. Please feel free to call me at 347-647-4221.